ESCV has representation on key strategic bodies delivering local and regional transformation programmes, representing the views of local people.
Through an array of participation, collaboration, evaluation and communication activities we capture the the views and experiences from across our local communities.
Using what we hear ESCV champions the views and experiences of local people at a range of forums, groups and other meetings.
We strengthen the voice of our communities and contribute to effective decision making.
Everything we hear is captured and used to shape projects, gather insight, develop recommendations and fed back to decision makers to make services better.
How can ESCV help?
To contact us about a project or for representation activities, please get in touch.

East Sussex Community Voice co-chairs the East Sussex County Council Inclusion Advisory Group.
The Inclusion Advisory Group acts as a mechanism for checks and balances for Adult Social Care & Health to act as both a strategic and operational partnership. The Group’s overarching purpose is to drive improvements in community engagement, specifically collaborative working between public services and communities, to reduce inequality and foster good relations amongst the members of our community.
The membership of the group is diverse to ensure that there is representation from all sectors of society. The group plays an important role in ensuring that any work undertaken by ESCC considers equality and diversity in its design and delivery.
As ESCV we are there to ensure that the voice of the residents of East Sussex is represented and heard and to challenge any proposals, to ensure they have considered how to appropriately engage with and involve the community.

Work with ESCV
Let’s chat about your project
If you have a project in mind, or are interested in one of our existing projects – please get in touch.